If I did a one-woman show, it would be called Ranch dressing and Jerry Springer.
The best part of unemployment is you can say yes to everything...just don't ask me to run or help you move.
I only run for beer and well, sorry to be repetitive, cheddar cheese.
Summer programming can only make America dumber.
America doesn't really get it when you stay with a man who fucks around on you.
(This was the EASIEST picture to find. Poor Hillary.)
As much as I loved red-headed boys as a child, adult men with red hair are creepy. Men with LONG red hair scare the shit out of me.
Indiana Jones, you had me. Until Shia LaBeouf started swinging through vines like a monkey.
(clearly Spielberg was too mortified to let any pictures of the monkeys onto the internet)
I can't wait to see my first love this summer.
(Explains a lot doesn't it?)
I ate 7 hot dogs my birthday weekend. Don't tell Dr. Kieu.
Am I the only one who really thought they would "make it" by age 30? Um, 40 is the new 30 right?
Whatever Celtics fans. I met Larry Bird once.
He was a jerk.
David Sedaris
might be the only man who understands me.
The island NEEDS you all to come back.
I LOVE Steve Carrell, but having him be romantic with Anne Hathaway* is creepy. Even though I personally would totally have sex with him.
*By the way, I've already seen the movie and sorry Get Smart writers, but your explanation of their age difference doesn't make it any less creepy!
TV/Movie-crossover advertising is just getting too ridiculous. Seriously.
I kind of love Wolf though.
I might be getting too old for keg parties. No. Scratch that. You are never too old for a kegger.
Part of me is sick-to-my-stomach thinking about the new 90210. The other part of me knows I am going to get a Tivo season pass no matter what.
I can't believe when I was in middle school I couldn't wait to shave my legs.
Now I will do anything to avoid it.
Is it wrong
that I REALLY want to mess with the Zohan?
Wine tasting is a fancy way of saying "For now, I am going to be dignified. However, I am going to buy three bottles of wine, go home, and drink until I fall down." Or is that just me?
If you ask me..it should be Carrie and Aidan.
I am so sick of nepotism.
Mike Myers is getting desperate.
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1 comment:
Indiana Jones had me too, until a CGI gopher kept wanting to get more screen time...and a plastic skull that looked like a hot dog with tin foil in it made by fisher-price became the focal point of the film...
And what was with that whole CIA interrogation with a general from WWII? Um, didn't he SAVE THE WORLD during WWII? I think that gives him a pass.
I think Lucas is the Michael Jackson of Movies. He has lost such a grip of reality in his Lucas Ranch surrounded by Yes men.
Why did they destroy Indy?
I can't talk about this anymore...
my blog is here:
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