
Don't Blink!! You Might Miss It! Me On TMZ

My TMZ Premiere!!! Finally!!! I am thinking of making my new job...paparazzi chaser! I saw all the cameras and went running to them (while my friend Amy was forced to hold onto my 3 boxes of leftovers from Big Wangs)! I was a little disappointed to find out it was a lame dancer from Dancing With The Stars!! Hopefully, sometime soon...the paparazzi will be chasing me!! And I'm not going to say I hadn't had a few jack and cokes..but duh Cheryl, I knew the camera was filming.

(look about 30 secs. into the video)

Lisa Gopman Walks Behind Cheryl Burke


Amy Witry said...

Oh BF--Congrats! I mean if my feet hadn't hurt so much and well I wanted to, I would have so been right behind you. I do love that new shirt of yours . . .Also--I'm pretty sure if was 4 boxes of food--I think I gave you my fries for your genius boyfriend--but I'm not even sure he ever got them. He might have been too busy with his binary code project. Was there anything about this week that has been real? Just wondering.

sivart said...

you definitely look a little disappointed. like you were really hoping it was britney or lindsey.

you should have at least looked at the camera or flipped it off.